Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which theory of the origin of the universe is believed by most scientists?
a. Big Bang Theory c. Big Crunch theory
b. Pulsating Theory d. Steady State Theory

2. Which of the following is a constellation?
a. North start b. Orion c. Sirius d. Betelgeuse

3. Which refers to the brightness of the stars we see?
a. apparent magnitude c. total brightness
b. Absolute magnitude d. intensity

4. In which galaxy is the solar system found?
a. Andromeda Galaxy c. Large Magellanic Cloud
b. Milky Way d. Small Magellanic Cloud

5. Why do winds deflect instead of moving straight to the north or to the south?
a. the earth revolves c. the winds move fast
b. the earth rotates d. the winds move slowly

6. Our sun is one of the many stars in the sky. Compared with other stars, it is only average in size. However, it appears much larger than the others. Why?
a. The sun is brighter than the stars.
b. The sun is closest to earth than the other stars.
c. The sun gives more light than the other stars.

7. Stars appear different in brightness because
a. they give off more light than the others.
b. they are farther than the others
c. they give off less light than the others.
d. they are covered by the clouds.

8. Why do astronauts wear pressure suits?
a. to prevent them from getting hurt
b. to enable them to breathe freely and comfortably.
c. to keep the same air pressure around the body
d. to maintain the pressure inside their bodies.

9. Which of the following describes weather?
a. it tells how hot or cold the air is.
b. It gives the direction of the wind.
c. it measures the speed of the wind.
d. it tells the conditions and changes of the air around us.
10. What is the basis of Philippine climate?
a. speed of the wind c. presence of mountain
b. amount of rainfall d. number of seas

11. Which of these wind systems reach the Philippines?
a. prevailing waterlines c. horse latitudes
b. doldrums d. trade winds

12. Why do sailors avoid the doldrums?
a. because their ships would just stay in a particular area and would not move.
b. because their ships would sail so fast that they may hit the rocks.
c. because their ships would hit polar icebergs
d. both a and c.

13. What is the significance of the Coriolis effect?
a. The winds move from the poles toward the equator to blowing sideward.
b. The trade winds meet together in the inter tropical convergence zone.
c. The wind would blow toward the poles.
d. both a and c.

14. Why does the Philippines have only twos seasons?
a. because it is located in the temperature zone.
b. because of its latitude
c. because it has many mountains
d. because it is surrounded by seas.

15. Which causes heavy rains from June to November?
a. polar easterlies
b. southwest monsoon
c. northeast monsoon latitude

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