Thursday, February 19, 2009

Urinary system and its major parts

I. Objective:
Identify the urinary system and its major parts.

II. Subject Matter:
Science Ideas:
-The urinary system is made up of organs that rid the blood wastes and control the blood volume by removing excess water produced by the cells.
-The kidneys are the major organs of the urinary system.
-The urine is a waste liquid which contains excess water, salts and other wastes.
Science Processes: Observing, Inferring
Materials: Excretion, Urinary system

III. Suggested Activities:
A. Motivation
Relate drinking water and urinating
B. Presentation
1. Do the Find out Activity
-Identifying the Urinary system and its major parts.
-Identifying the parts of the kidneys
2. Identify the Urinary system and its major parts.
3. Discuss the function of each part.
4. Trace the liquid waste product called urea carried in the urine from the kidneys to the bladder by way of the ureter.
C. Generalization
Asks these questions:
-What is the urinary system?
-What are the major parts of the urinary system?
-Explain the function of each part.
D. Application:
Ask this question:
a. Is it health wise to drink one’s urine? Why or Why not?
E. Valuing
React to the open minded questions on I Value These.

F. Evaluation
Do the Try Yourself Activity.
G. Extension
Answer the Find out More Activity.

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